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    Peer Reviewed Publications
    Radziunas & M. Raab, V. Modeling and Simulation of a Cascaded Polarization-coupled System of Broad-area Semiconductor Lasers 2024 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (Early Access) article DOI URL
    Abstract: We consider a brightness- and power-scalable rectified polarization beam combining scheme for high-power, broad-area edge-emitting semiconductor laser diodes. The coupling of 2m emitters is achieved through Lyot-filtered optical reinjection from a specially designed multi-stage external cavity, which forces individual diodes to lase on interleaved frequency combs with overlapping envelopes. Simulations of up to sixteen coupled emitters and analysis of the calculated beams suggest that, under ideal conditions, a beam coupling efficiency of approximately 90% can be expected. Reducing optical losses within the external cavity is crucial for improving this efficiency in experimental systems.
      author = {M. Radziunas and V. Raab},
      title = {Modeling and Simulation of a Cascaded Polarization-coupled System of Broad-area Semiconductor Lasers},
      journal = {IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (Early Access)},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
    Brée, C., Raab, V., Montieel-Ponsoda, J., Garre-Werner, G., Staliunas, K., Bandelow, U. and Radziunas, M. Beam-combining scheme of high-power broad-area semiconductor lasers with Lyot-filtered reinjection: modeling, simulations, and experiments 2019 JOSA-B
    Vol. 36(7), pp. 1721ff 
    article DOI  
      author = {Carsten Brée and Volker Raab and Joan Montieel-Ponsoda and Guillermo Garre-Werner and Kestutis Staliunas and Uwe Bandelow and Mindaugas Radziunas},
      title = {Beam-combining scheme of high-power broad-area semiconductor lasers with Lyot-filtered reinjection: modeling, simulations, and experiments},
      journal = {JOSA-B},
      year = {2019},
      volume = {36},
      number = {7},
      pages = {1721ff},
      doi = {}
    Raab, V. & Raab, C. Mehrstufige Polarisationskopplung 2014 Zeitschrift PHOTONIK
    Vol. Ausgabe 5(5), pp. 46-49 
    article URL 
      author = {Raab, Volker and Raab, Corinna},
      title = {Mehrstufige Polarisationskopplung},
      journal = {Zeitschrift PHOTONIK},
      year = {2014},
      volume = {Ausgabe 5},
      number = {5},
      pages = {46--49},
      url = {}
    Riebe, D., Beitz, T., Dosche, C., Löhmannsröben, H.-G., Raab, V., Raab, C. & Unverzagt, M. High-Resolution Spectrometer Using Combined Dispersive and Interferometric Wavelength Separation for Raman and Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) 2014 Appl. Spectrosc.
    Vol. 68(9), pp. 1030-1038 
    article URL 
    Abstract: In this paper the concept of a compact high-resolution spectrometer based on the combination of dispersive and interferometric elements is presented. Dispersive elements are used to spectrally resolve the light in one direction with coarse resolution ($$ < 0.5 nm), while perpendicular to that direction an etalon provides high spectral resolution ($$ < 50 pm). This concept for two-dimensional spectroscopy has been implemented for the wavelength range $ $=$ 350-650 nm. Appropriate algorithms for reconstructing spectra from the two-dimensional raw data and for wavelength calibration were established in an analysis software. Potential applications for this new spectrometer are Raman and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). Resolutions down to 28 pm (routinely 54 pm) could be realized for these applications.
      author = {D. Riebe and T. Beitz and C. Dosche and H.-G. Löhmannsröben and V. Raab and C. Raab and M. Unverzagt},
      title = {High-Resolution Spectrometer Using Combined Dispersive and Interferometric Wavelength Separation for Raman and Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)},
      journal = {Appl. Spectrosc.},
      year = {2014},
      volume = {68},
      number = {9},
      pages = {1030--1038},
      url = {}
    Jechow, A., Raab, V. & Menzel, R. Tunable 6.8 W narrow bandwidth emission from a single-stripe continuous-wave broad-area laser diode in a simple external cavity 2008 Applied Optics
    Vol. 47(10)(10), pp. 1447-1450 
    article DOI URL 
    Abstract: An antireflection-coated broad-area laser diode with an emitter size of 400 $m texttimes1 $m and a chip length of 1500 $m is operated in a simple external cavity. For wavelength stabilization and to narrow the bandwidth a diffraction grating in a Littrow configuration is used. At an injection current of 9 A up to 6.8 W of optical output power and a resulting slope efficiency of 0.8 W/A could be achieved. Further, the bandwidth could be narrowed to 100 pm (FWHM), and a tuning range of 40 nm around 976 nm was obtained.
      author = {Andreas Jechow and Volker Raab and Ralf Menzel},
      title = {Tunable 6.8 W narrow bandwidth emission from a single-stripe continuous-wave broad-area laser diode in a simple external cavity},
      journal = {Applied Optics},
      year = {2008},
      volume = {47(10)},
      number = {10},
      pages = {1447-1450},
      url = {},
      doi = {}
    Jechow, A., Raab, V. & Menzel, R. Tunable diffraction-limited light at 488 nm by single-pass frequency doubling of a broad area diode laser 2007 Applied Optics
    Vol. 46(6)(6), pp. 943-946 
    article DOI URL 
    Abstract: A laser system that is based on second-harmonic generation of a broad area laser diode and provides 23.2 mW of diffraction-limited light with narrow bandwidth is described. It is tunable from 487.4 to 489 nm. The broad area laser diode is frequency stabilized in an external cavity that yields 800 mW of diffraction-limited light. This infrared light is converted into the visible by use of a 1 cm periodically poledMgO:LiNbO3 bulk crystal with a measured single-pass conversion efficiency of up to 3.6W texttimes cm.
      author = {Andreas Jechow and Volker Raab and Ralf Menzel},
      title = {Tunable diffraction-limited light at 488 nm by single-pass frequency doubling of a broad area diode laser},
      journal = {Applied Optics},
      year = {2007},
      volume = {46(6)},
      number = {6},
      pages = {943-946},
      url = {},
      doi = {}
    Jechow, A., Raab, V., Menzel, R., Cenkier, M., Stry, S. & Sacher, J. 1 W tunable near diffraction limited light from a broad area laser diode in an external cavity with a line width of 1.7 MHz 2007 Optics Communications
    Vol. 277, pp. 161–165 
    Abstract: A novel unstable external cavity for a broad area laser diode is presented. The cavity is based on a V-shaped setup that improves the slow axis beam quality by coupling the internal modes of a gain guided laser diode. The novelty here is the compact unstable resonator design without lenses in direction of the slow axis. For frequency stabilisation and to narrow the line width of the laser diode emission a diffraction grating in a Littrow configuration is used. With this setup up to 1 W of near diffraction limited light with a beam quality of M2 ? 1.3 and a line width of 1.7 MHz could be achieved. The external cavity laser was tunable over a range of 35 nm (FWHM) around the center wavelength of 976 nm.
      author = {Andreas Jechow and Volker Raab and Ralf Menzel and Michael Cenkier and Sandra Stry and Joachim Sacher},
      title = {1 W tunable near diffraction limited light from a broad area laser diode in an external cavity with a line width of 1.7 MHz},
      journal = {Optics Communications},
      year = {2007},
      volume = {277},
      pages = {161–165}
    Jechow, A., Raab, V. & Menzel, R. High cw power using an external cavity for spectral beam combining of diode laser-bar emission 2006 Applied Optics
    Vol. 45(15), pp. 3545-3547 
    article DOI URL 
    Abstract: In extension to known concepts of wavelength-multiplexing diode laser arrays, a new external cavity is presented. The setup simultaneously improves the beam quality of each single emitter of a standard 25 emitter broad-area stripe laser bar and spectrally superimposes the 25 beams into one. By using this external resonator in an "off-axis" arrangement, beam qualities of Mslow2 < 14 and Mfast2 < 3 with optical powers in excess of 10 W in cw operation are obtained.
      author = {Andreas Jechow and Volker Raab and Ralf Menzel},
      title = {High cw power using an external cavity for spectral beam combining of diode laser-bar emission},
      journal = {Applied Optics},
      year = {2006},
      volume = {45},
      number = {15},
      pages = {3545-3547},
      url = {},
      doi = {}
    Raab, C., Kurths, J., Schirdewan, A. & Wessel, N. Normalized correlation dimension for heart rate variability analysis 2006 Biomedizinische Technik
    Vol. 51(4), pp. 229–232 
    article DOI  
    Abstract: In this paper we use the concept of large-scale dimension densities to analyze heart rate variability data. This method uses a normalized Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm and estimates the dimension in the rather large scales of the system. This enables us to analyze very short data. First we reanalyze data from the CIC 2002 challenge and can completely distinguish between real data and computer-generated data using only one parameter. We then analyze unfiltered data for 15 patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), 15 patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), 15 elderly healthy subjects, and 18 young healthy subjects. This method can completely separate the AF group from the other groups and the CHF patients show significant differences compared to the young and elderly healthy volunteers. Furthermore, differences are evident in the dimensionality between day and night for healthy persons, but not for the CHF patients. Finally, the results are compared to standard heart rate variability parameters.
      author = {Raab, Corinna and J. Kurths and A. Schirdewan and N. Wessel},
      title = {Normalized correlation dimension for heart rate variability analysis},
      journal = {Biomedizinische Technik},
      year = {2006},
      volume = {51},
      number = {4},
      pages = {229–232},
      doi = {}
    Raab, C., Wessel, N., Schirdewan, A. & Kurths, J. Large-Scale Dimension Densities for Heart Rate Variability Analysis 2006 Physical Review E
    Vol. 73(4), pp. 041907 
    article DOI  
    Abstract: In this work, we reanalyze the heart rate variability (HRV) data from the 2002 Computers in Cardiology (CiC) Challenge using the concept of large-scale dimension densities and additionally apply this technique to data of healthy persons and of patients with cardiac diseases. The large-scale dimension density (LASDID) is estimated from the time series using a normalized Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm, which leads to a suitable correction of systematic errors produced by boundary effects in the rather large scales of a system. This way, it is possible to analyze rather short, nonstationary, and unfiltered data, such as HRV. Moreover, this method allows us to analyze short parts of the data and to look for differences between day and night. The circadian changes in the dimension density enable us to distinguish almost completely between real data and computer-generated data from the CiC 2002 challenge using only one parameter. In the second part we analyzed the data of 15 patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), 15 patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), 15 elderly healthy subjects (EH), as well as 18 young and healthy persons (YH). With our method we are able to separate completely the AF (rho (mu/ls) = 0.97 +/- 0.02) group from the others and, especially during daytime, the CHF patients show significant differences from the young and elderly healthy volunteers (CHF, 0.65 +/- 0.13; EH, 0.54 +/- 0.05; YH, 0.57 +/- 0.05; p < 0.05 for both comparisons). Moreover, for the CHF patients we find no circadian changes in rho (mu/ls) (day, 0.65 +/- 0.13; night, 0.66 +/- 0.12; n.s.) in contrast to healthy controls (day, 0.54 +/- 0.05; night, 0.61 +/- 0.05; p=0.002). Correlation analysis showed no statistical significant relation between standard HRV and circadian LASDID, demonstrating a possibly independent application of our method for clinical risk stratification.
      author = {C. Raab and N. Wessel and A. Schirdewan and J. Kurths},
      title = {Large-Scale Dimension Densities for Heart Rate Variability Analysis},
      journal = {Physical Review E},
      year = {2006},
      volume = {73},
      number = {4},
      pages = {041907},
      doi = {}
    Raab, C., Wessel, N., Schirdewan, A. & Kurths, J. Large-Scale Dimension Densities for Heart Rate Variability Analysis 2005 Computers in Cardiology
    Vol. 32, pp. 985-987 
    article URL 
    Abstract: For heart rate variability (HRV) data it is well known that a metronomic heart rate is pathological - the healthy heart is influenced by multiple neural and hormonal factors that result in variations in RR intervals. Even after three decades of study, new techniques continue to reveal properties of the time series of RR intervals. In this work, we reanalyse the HRV data from the 2002 CiC Challenge using the concept of large-scale dimension densities and additionally apply this technology to data of healthy persons and of patients with cardiac diseases. The large-scale dimension density D is estimated from the time series using a normalized Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm, which leads to a suitable correction of systematic errors produced by boundary effects in the rather large scales of a system. In this way, it is possible to analyse very short and non-stationary data, such as HRV. Moreover, this method allows us to analyse short parts of the data and to look for differences between day and night. The circadian changes in the dimension density enable us to distinguish almost completely between real data and computer generated data from CiC 2002 challenge using only one parameter. Furthermore, we analysed the data of 15 patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), 15 patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), 15 elderly healthy subjects (EH) as well as 18 young and healthy persons (YH). With our method we are able to separate completely the AF (D: 0.97±0.02) group from the others and, especially during daytime, the CHF patients show significant differences to the young and elderly healthy volunteers (CHF: 0.65±0.13, EH: 0.54±0.05, YH: 0.57±0.05, p<0.05 for both comparisons). Moreover, for the CHF patients we find no circadian changes in D (day: 0.65±0.13, night: 0.66±0.12, n.s.) in contrast to healthy controls (day: 0.57±0.05, night: 0.67±0.07, p = 0.00004). To the best of our knowledge, until today there was no single parameter for the complete separation of the considered groups from the 2002 CiC Challenge. Using the concept of large scale dimension densities, for the first time, a nearly perfect classification was performed. Finally, the application to the data of different cardiac diseases demonstrated the quality of being appropriate for clinical use.
      author = {C. Raab and N. Wessel and A. Schirdewan and J. Kurths},
      title = {Large-Scale Dimension Densities for Heart Rate Variability Analysis},
      journal = {Computers in Cardiology},
      year = {2005},
      volume = {32},
      pages = {985-987},
      url = {}
    Raab, V. & Menzel, R. External resonator design for high-power laser diodes that yields 400 mW of TEM00 power 2002 Optics Letters
    Vol. 27(3), pp. 167-169 
    article DOI URL 
    Abstract: Normal diode lasers with average output powers of 1 W or more exhibit bad beam quality and therefore cannot be applied for high-precision applications or nonlinear optics. Therefore an external output coupling mirror was used in our experiments. Diffraction-limited operation was achieved, which yielded 400 mW of power and a factor-of-12 improvement in brightness. With this resonator type 1.1 W of average output power was also obtained, with a beam propagation factor of 2.6 in the slow axis; fast axis emission is always diffraction limited.
      author = {Raab, Volker and Menzel, Ralf},
      title = {External resonator design for high-power laser diodes that yields 400 mW of TEM00 power},
      journal = {Optics Letters},
      year = {2002},
      volume = {27},
      number = {3},
      pages = {167-169},
      url = {},
      doi = {}
    Raab, V., Skoczowsky, D. & Menzel, R. Tuning high-power laser diodes with as much as 0.38 W of power and M² = 1.2 over a range of 32 nm with 3-GHz bandwidth 2002 Optics letters
    Vol. 27(22), pp. 1995-1997 
    article DOI URL 
    Abstract: Gain-guided diode lasers usually have emission wavelengths determined by the manufacturing process, with typically 0.5--1-nm bandwidth. Furthermore, their beam quality is rather poor. We show that external cavities allow for tunable narrow-bandwidth operation of gain-guided diode lasers. At the same time the beam quality is drastically improved; almost diffraction-limited light of more than 200 mW has been achieved over the whole tuning range from 910 to 942 nm with narrow bandwidth.
      author = {Raab, Volker and Skoczowsky, Danilo and Menzel, Ralf},
      title = {Tuning high-power laser diodes with as much as 0.38 W of power and M² = 1.2 over a range of 32 nm with 3-GHz bandwidth},
      journal = {Optics letters},
      year = {2002},
      volume = {27},
      number = {22},
      pages = {1995-1997},
      url = {},
      doi = {}
    Raab, C. & Kurths, J. Estimation of Large-Scale Dimension Densities 2001 Physical Review E
    Vol. 64(1), pp. 016216 
    article DOI URL 
    Abstract: We propose a technique to calculate large-scale dimension densities in both higher-dimensional spatio-temporal systems and low-dimensional systems from only a few data points, where known methods usually have an unsatisfactory scaling behavior. This is mainly due to boundary and finite-size effects. With our rather simple method, we normalize boundary effects and get a significant correction of the dimension estimate. This straightforward approach is based on rather general assumptions. So even weak coherent structures obtained from small spatial couplings can be detected with this method, which is impossible by using the Lyapunov-dimension density. We demonstrate the efficiency of our technique for coupled logistic maps, coupled tent maps, the Lorenz attractor, and the Roessler attractor.
      author = {Raab, Corinna and Kurths, Jürgen},
      title = {Estimation of Large-Scale Dimension Densities},
      journal = {Physical Review E},
      year = {2001},
      volume = {64},
      number = {1},
      pages = {016216},
      url = {},
      doi = {}
    Raab, V., Heuer, A., Schultheiss, J., Hodgson, N., Kurths, J. & Menzel, R. Transverse Effects in Phase Conjugate Laser Mirrors Based on Stimulated Brillouin Scattering 1999 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
    Vol. 10 (4), pp. 831-838 
    Abstract: The temporal and spatial reflectance of phase conjugate mirrors based on stimulatedBrillouin scattering (SBS) was investigated both theoretically and experimentally. A novelnumerical model was used that incorporates the transverse mode structure of the pump beam andthe reflected beam into the differential equations describing the scattering process. Theexperiments were performed with a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser in fundamental mode operationand SF6 at 21 bar as the SBS medium. The excellent agreement with the theoreticalresults indicates that the inclusion of the transverse intensity distribution is necessary for a realisticdescription of SBS.
      author = {Volker Raab and Axel Heuer and Jörg Schultheiss and Norman Hodgson and Jürgen Kurths and Ralf Menzel},
      title = {Transverse Effects in Phase Conjugate Laser Mirrors Based on Stimulated Brillouin Scattering},
      journal = {Chaos, Solitons and Fractals},
      year = {1999},
      volume = {10 (4)},
      pages = {831--838}
    Raab, V. & Postnov, D. Induced hysteresis-free transitions in a bistable system (experimental verification) 1997 Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos
    Vol. 7(2), pp. 431-436 
    Abstract: A new concept has recently been developed to facilitate transitions between the
    two stable states of a bistable dynamical system.
    The transitions therein takes place without loss of stability (hysteresis).
    In this letter the experimental feasability of the proposed method is
    shown by means of an analog circuit. Bifurcation
    diagrams are being determined experimentally with this circuit.
      author = {Raab, Volker and Postnov, Dimitry},
      title = {Induced hysteresis-free transitions in a bistable system (experimental verification)},
      journal = {Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos},
      year = {1997},
      volume = {7(2)},
      pages = {431-436}
    Raab, V. Induced Hysteresis-free Transitions in a Bistable System 1996 Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos
    Vol. 6(2)(2), pp. 349-355 
    article DOI URL 
    Abstract: A new concept is developed to facilitate transitions between the two stable states of a bistable dynamical system. The transitions take place without loss of stability or hysteresis. The underlying theoretical concept is to couple an additional dynamical variable to the original system in a strictly linear fashion. Explicit formulae are given which determine the couplings. The method is applied to the double well oscillator. In its bifurcation diagrams possible paths from one stationary point to the other are indicated.
      author = {Volker Raab},
      title = {Induced Hysteresis-free Transitions in a Bistable System},
      journal = {Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos},
      year = {1996},
      volume = {6(2)},
      number = {2},
      pages = {349-355},
      note = {to appear},
      url = {},
      doi = {}
    Fohlmeister, C., Gerstner, W., Ritz, R. & van Hemmen., J. Spontaneous excitations in the visual cortex: stripes, spirals, rings, and collective bursts. 1995 Neural Comput.
    Vol. 7, pp. 905-914 
    Abstract: As a simple model of the cortical sheet, we study a locally connected net of spiking neurons. Refractoriness, noise, axonal delays, and the time course of excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials are taken into account explicitly. In addition to a low-activity state and depending on the synaptic efficacy, four different scenarios evolve spontaneously, viz., stripes, spirals, rings, and collective bursts. Our results can be related to experimental observations of drug-induced epilepsy and hallucinations.
      author = {C. Fohlmeister and W. Gerstner and R. Ritz and J.L. van Hemmen.},
      title = {Spontaneous excitations in the visual cortex: stripes, spirals, rings, and collective bursts.},
      journal = {Neural Comput.},
      year = {1995},
      volume = {7},
      pages = {905-914}
    Raab, V. Intermittenz bei 91 GeV in der Reaktion e+e- --> Hadronen 1992 Max-Planck-Dokumentation MPI-PhE
    Vol. 92-6, pp. 1- 
      author = {Volker Raab},
      title = {Intermittenz bei 91 GeV in der Reaktion e+e- --> Hadronen},
      journal = {Max-Planck-Dokumentation MPI-PhE},
      year = {1992},
      volume = {92-6},
      pages = {1--}
    Conferences, Posters and Others
    Riebe, D., Beitz, T., Dosche, C., Löhmannsröben, H.-G., Raab, V., Raab, C. & Unverzagt, M. Neuartiges hochauflösendes Spektrometer für die Raman- und Laserinduzierte Breakdown-Spektroskopie 2013 Anakon 2013 (conference of the analytical chemistry section of the society of German chemists GDCh, Essen)  conference  
      author = {D. Riebe and T. Beitz and C. Dosche and H.-G. Löhmannsröben and V. Raab and C. Raab and M. Unverzagt},
      title = {Neuartiges hochauflösendes Spektrometer für die Raman- und Laserinduzierte Breakdown-Spektroskopie},
      booktitle = {Anakon 2013 (conference of the analytical chemistry section of the society of German chemists GDCh, Essen)},
      year = {2013}
    Raab, V. Polarization rectification of two red polarization coupled broad area ECDL's 2009 Poster auf Photonics Europe  conference  
      author = {Raab, Volker},
      title = {Polarization rectification of two red polarization coupled broad area ECDL's},
      booktitle = {Poster auf Photonics Europe},
      year = {2009}
    Cenkier, M., Stry, S., Sacher, J., Jechow, A., Raab, V. & Menzel, R. High brilliance phase coupled broad area diode lasers in a compact external cavity with longitudinal and spatial singlemode operation and 500 mW power 2005 Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2005. CLEO/Europe. 2005 Conference on, pp. 106-  inproceedings DOI  
    Abstract: In this paper, we report a new compact design of an external cavity diode laser system (ECDL) to combine high output power with high brilliance emission with broad area diodes. To achieve an excellent phase coupling to the external resonator one facet of the broad area diode is unreflection coated and the other facet is high reflection coated. The very compact laser design offers an output power of up to 500 mW with a sidemode suppression ratio better than 50 dB in both longitudinal and spatial singlemode operation.
      author = {Cenkier, M. and Stry, S. and Sacher, J. and Jechow, A. and Raab, V. and Menzel, R.},
      title = {High brilliance phase coupled broad area diode lasers in a compact external cavity with longitudinal and spatial singlemode operation and 500 mW power},
      booktitle = {Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2005. CLEO/Europe. 2005 Conference on},
      year = {2005},
      pages = {106-},
      doi = {}
    Raab, V., Jechow, A. & Menzel, R. Spectral Beam Combining of 25 Diode Lasers to get 10 W cw emission 2005 Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2005. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2005. Pacific Rim Conference on, pp. 422-423  inproceedings DOI  
    Abstract: A diode laser bar is operated in an external cavity which spectrally multiplexes the emitters between 920 nm and 940 nm with a total output power of 10 W and a beam propagation factor M2< 14.
      author = {Raab, V. and Jechow, A. and Menzel, R.},
      title = {Spectral Beam Combining of 25 Diode Lasers to get 10 W cw emission},
      booktitle = {Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2005. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2005. Pacific Rim Conference on},
      year = {2005},
      pages = {422-423},
      doi = {}
    Raab, V., Jechow, A., Menzel, R., Cenkier, M., Stry, S., Sacher, J., Kelemen, M. & Mikulla, M. High Brightness High Brilliance Tunable Broad Area Diode Laser with 1 W of Near Diffraction Limited Light 2005 Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2005. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2005. Pacific Rim Conference on, pp. 839-840  inproceedings DOI  
    Abstract: An unstable external cavity diode laser is presented with an AR-coated stripe-array diode as gain medium which yields up to 1 W with a bandwidth below 3 MHz and M2< 2 over the tuning range 940 nm through 980 nm.
      author = {Raab, V. and Jechow, A. and Menzel, R. and Cenkier, M. and Stry, S. and Sacher, J. and Kelemen, M. and Mikulla, M.},
      title = {High Brightness High Brilliance Tunable Broad Area Diode Laser with 1 W of Near Diffraction Limited Light},
      booktitle = {Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2005. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2005. Pacific Rim Conference on},
      year = {2005},
      pages = {839-840},
      doi = {}
    Raab, V., Jechow, A., Menzel, R., Cenkier, M., Stry, S., Sacher, J., Kelemen, M. & Mikulla, M. Tunable cw-diode laser for 940 to 990 nm with over 700 mW of near-diffraction limited light 2005 Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2005. CLEO/Europe. 2005 Conference on, pp. 105-  inproceedings DOI  
    Abstract: In this paper, the setup for the tunable cw-GaAs diode laser chip in an external cavity, which consists of stripe-array, a fast axis collimator, a grating, and a ?/2-plate, has been explained.
      author = {Raab, V. and Jechow, A. and Menzel, R. and Cenkier, M. and Stry, Sandra and Sacher, Joachim and Kelemen, M.T. and Mikulla, M.},
      title = {Tunable cw-diode laser for 940 to 990 nm with over 700 mW of near-diffraction limited light},
      booktitle = {Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2005. CLEO/Europe. 2005 Conference on},
      year = {2005},
      pages = {105-},
      doi = {}
    Raab, V., Skoczowsky, D., Heuer, A., Menzel, R., Mandre, S., Fischer, I. & Elsasser, W. Direct Generation of 50 ps-Pulses from an External Cavity Diode Laser Yielding 200 mW Average Output Power 2005 Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2005. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2005. Pacific Rim Conference on, pp. 841-842  inproceedings DOI  
    Abstract: We present a broad area diode laser with a very simple external resonator which shows self-induced modelocking of about 10 longitudinal modes at a repetition rate of 1-3 GHz, resulting in short pulses.
      author = {Raab, V. and Skoczowsky, D. and Heuer, A. and Menzel, R. and Mandre, S. and Fischer, I. and Elsasser, W.},
      title = {Direct Generation of 50 ps-Pulses from an External Cavity Diode Laser Yielding 200 mW Average Output Power},
      booktitle = {Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2005. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2005. Pacific Rim Conference on},
      year = {2005},
      pages = {841-842},
      doi = {}
    Skoczowsky, D., Raab, V., Heuer, A., Menzel, R., Mandre, S., Fischer, I. & Elsasser, W. ps-Pulse generation by self-induced modelocking of a high power broad area diode laser in an external resonator 2005 Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2005. CLEO/Europe. 2005 Conference on, pp. 135-  inproceedings DOI  
    Abstract: Up to 250 mW of ps-pulses with a pulsewidth of 50 ps and a repetition rate of 1-3 GHz are generated by self-induced modelocking of a high-power diode-laser working in an external resonator.
      author = {Skoczowsky, D. and Raab, V. and Heuer, A. and Menzel, R. and Mandre, S. and Fischer, Ingo and Elsasser, W.},
      title = {ps-Pulse generation by self-induced modelocking of a high power broad area diode laser in an external resonator},
      booktitle = {Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2005. CLEO/Europe. 2005 Conference on},
      year = {2005},
      pages = {135-},
      doi = {}
    Raab, V., Skoczowsky, D. & Menzel, R. Generation of 465nm light by frequency doubling of a diode laser in two passively coupled ring resonators 2004
    Vol. 2Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, pp. 2 pp. vol.2- 
    inproceedings URL 
    Abstract: A Potassium-Niobate-crystal inside a high finesse ring resonator generates the second harmonic of infrared light from a low finesse ring resonator driven by a broad area diode. They modelock by design without active control.
      author = {Volker Raab and Danilo Skoczowsky and Ralf Menzel},
      title = {Generation of 465nm light by frequency doubling of a diode laser in two passively coupled ring resonators},
      booktitle = {Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies},
      publisher = {Optical Society of America},
      year = {2004},
      volume = {2},
      pages = {2 pp. vol.2-},
      url = {}
    Raab, V. & Menzel, R. Coherent coupling of the 25 broad-area lasers of a 1 cm-bar 2003 Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2003. CLEO/Europe. 2003 Conference on, pp. 154-  inproceedings DOI URL 
    Abstract: The 25 high-power diode lasers of a bar are shown to phase synchronize in a common external resonator with internal multiplexer. The coherent emission shows a beam quality better than five times the diffraction-limit.
      author = {Raab, V. and Menzel, R.},
      title = {Coherent coupling of the 25 broad-area lasers of a 1 cm-bar},
      booktitle = {Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2003. CLEO/Europe. 2003 Conference on},
      publisher = {Optical Society of America},
      year = {2003},
      pages = {154-},
      url = {},
      doi = {}
    Raab, V., Ullner, E. & Menzel, R. Novel external resonators for high power diode lasers with improved beam quality 2000 Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2000. Conference Digest. 2000 Conference on  inproceedings DOI  
    Abstract: Summary form only given. Current commercially available high power diode lasers lack beam quality, i.e. they have limited possibility of small foci in combination with long Rayleigh lengths. We improve beam quality with the help of newly designed external resonators. It is well known, that external resonators can drastically improve beam quality of conventional gain-guided broad area lasers. The technique of Petersen (1998) makes use of self induced phase conjugation with the help of a photorefractive crystal. We present a design which dispenses with the crystal and phase conjugation and therefore becomes considerably simpler and cheaper.
      author = {Raab, V. and Ullner, E. and Menzel, R.},
      title = {Novel external resonators for high power diode lasers with improved beam quality},
      booktitle = {Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2000. Conference Digest. 2000 Conference on},
      year = {2000},
      doi = {}
    Raab, V., Ostermeyer, M. & Menzel, R. Beam Quality Improvements for High Power Diode Lasers by External Resonators 1999 Novel Lasers and Devices-Basic Aspects, pp. LTuB5  inproceedings DOI URL 
      author = {Volker Raab and Martin Ostermeyer and Ralf Menzel},
      title = {Beam Quality Improvements for High Power Diode Lasers by External Resonators},
      booktitle = {Novel Lasers and Devices-Basic Aspects},
      publisher = {Optical Society of America},
      year = {1999},
      pages = {LTuB5},
      url = {},
      doi = {}
    Raab, V. & Block, A. Welt im Wandel: Strategien zur Bewältigung globaler Umweltrisiken 1998 WBGU Jahresgutachten des Deutschen Bundestags, pp. 209-214  inbook URL 
      author = {Raab, Volker and Block, Arthur},
      title = {Welt im Wandel: Strategien zur Bewältigung globaler Umweltrisiken},
      journal = {WBGU Jahresgutachten des Deutschen Bundestags},
      publisher = {Springer},
      year = {1998},
      pages = {209--214},
      url = {}
    Raab, V. Intermittency analysis in higher dimensions 1992 Ringberg Workshop on Multiparticle Production Fluctuations and Fractal Structure  incollection  
      author = {Volker Raab},
      title = {Intermittency analysis in higher dimensions},
      booktitle = {Ringberg Workshop on Multiparticle Production Fluctuations and Fractal Structure},
      publisher = {World Scientific},
      year = {1992}

    Created by JabRef on 20/11/2015.


    Technologietransfer-Preis (technology-transfer prize) 2005 der Technologie Stiftung Brandenburg, Portal, Die Potsdamer Universitätszeitung 10-12/05 S.13 (Download 12MByte)


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